Cisco 2503 - PM2ei (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 16:26:19 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jon Lewis shaped the electrons to say...
>Does anyone have a sample Cisco config to get this working?
>Found Livingston dump format
>Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S1 of 10 bytes containing:
>01 81 00 0e 03 04 c0 23 05 06 00 a3 ce 34
>Fixed #bytes to match #found...
>Recvd from port S1: 16 bytes LCP Request-129
> Authentication-Protocol = PAP
> Magic-Number = 0x00a3ce34
>Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_NAK to port S1 of 9 bytes containing:
>03 81 00 09 03 05 c2 23 05
>Sent to port S1: 11 bytes LCP Refuse-129
> Authentication-Protocol = CHAP 0x05

Looks like the Cisco wants *US* to authenticate to *THEM*.

No way, no how will we do that with PAP.

Why do they want us to tell them who we are - they dialed us afterall.

There are ways to get us to CHAP back to someone dialing in - but it seems


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