Re: Cisco 2503 - PM2ei (fwd)

Jon Lewis (
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 23:13:34 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Jon Lewis shaped the electrons to say...
> >Does anyone have a sample Cisco config to get this working?
> >
> >Found Livingston dump format
> >
> >Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S1 of 10 bytes containing:
> >01 81 00 0e 03 04 c0 23 05 06 00 a3 ce 34
> >Fixed #bytes to match #found...
> >Recvd from port S1: 16 bytes LCP Request-129
> > Authentication-Protocol = PAP
> > Magic-Number = 0x00a3ce34
> >
> >Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_NAK to port S1 of 9 bytes containing:
> >03 81 00 09 03 05 c2 23 05
> >Sent to port S1: 11 bytes LCP Refuse-129
> > Authentication-Protocol = CHAP 0x05
> Looks like the Cisco wants *US* to authenticate to *THEM*.
> No way, no how will we do that with PAP.

I realized this and remembered previous posts about it later in the day.
Cisco asks for PAP, PM says no I won't PAP, but how about CHAP?

I called Cisco and asked how to tell the 2503 to auth with PAP but not ask
the PM to auth. The notes are at work, but it was something like:
int bri0
ppp auth pap callin
which from the online "help" means "Authenticate remote on incoming call

For some reason, the client who needs this info hasn't returned my I assume they got it working (they were initially dialing into
another ISP) or they found better things to do.

Jon Lewis <> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/message.
Florida Digital Turnpike |
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