Re: auto reconnect (fwd)

John Storms (
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 17:20:59 -0700

An addition to this would be sometimes an offsite DNS server and DNS set on
the OR/U.

One good way to determine this is to telnet to the OR/U across the ISDN
link, not the ether interface. From here you can ptrace a packet filter to
monitor all traffic passing through the box. You then simply track down
any source of packets that would keep the link up.

add filter seeall
set filter seeall 1 deny tcp src eq 23 # blocks out your own telnet session
set filter seeall 2 deny tcp dst eq 23 # very, very important.
set filter seeall 3 permit
set console
ptrace seeall extended

#when done
reset console

At 04:21 PM 7/23/97 -0700, MegaZone wrote:
>Once upon a time Bubba Smith shaped the electrons to say...
>>I have a Livingston OR-U customer who has set his idle tiimeout low(2
>>minutes) in order to save money on his ISDN usage bill. However, when it
>>disconnects him for idletimeout, it automatically reconnects him. What
>>should he do on his end to make it not auto-reconnect. Or maybe, what
>It is his end - and it could be any number of mistakes that bring the
>link back up. There is no one way to stop this - all of the settings need
>to be right.
>Make sure he isn't syslogging across the link. Make sure he doesn't have
>any ports with PortMaster mode AT ALL. Make sure the location is on demand.
>I'm sure there are other things.
>Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
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Diplomacy:  The art of saying good doggie
while seaching for a big rock.