Re: auto reconnect (fwd)

Douglas Warren (dwarren@alpha.NetUSA.Net)
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 20:42:37 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, MegaZone wrote:
> Once upon a time Bubba Smith shaped the electrons to say...
> >I have a Livingston OR-U customer who has set his idle tiimeout low(2
> >minutes) in order to save money on his ISDN usage bill. However, when it
> >disconnects him for idletimeout, it automatically reconnects him. What
> >should he do on his end to make it not auto-reconnect. Or maybe, what
> It is his end - and it could be any number of mistakes that bring the
> link back up. There is no one way to stop this - all of the settings need
> to be right.
> Make sure he isn't syslogging across the link. Make sure he doesn't have
> any ports with PortMaster mode AT ALL. Make sure the location is on demand.
> I'm sure there are other things.

>From what I've seen the biggest cause is having routing set to broadcast
on the port, I don't know if it's the default or not but I've seen that
happen several times. Standard thing now is to turn off routing on both
serial ports.

|Douglas ``Wildcat'' Warren |Email:|  Jura gur tbireazrag
|Network/Security Consultant|Phone: (516) 543-0234    | bhgynjf Pelcgbtencul,
|President of SBCS a chapter|  Fax: (516) 543-0274    |  bayl pevzvanyf jvyy
|of the ACM.                |  PGP: finger dwarren    |     unir cevinpl