Re: Fluky Frame Relay Circuit

Steve Fogelson (
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 13:27:43 -0500

Thanks for the response. I have filled in the questions below.

Carl Oppedahl wrote:
> At 11:47 AM 07/22/97 -0500, Steve Fogelson wrote:
> >I've been going round and round with US West on a circuit that keeps
> >dropping LMI. They are trying to blame it on my Adtran 56.64 DSU/CSU or
> >OR-HS router.
> Well, your CSU/DSU is probably the most commonly used CSU/DSU in the world
> -- I would consider it unlikely that there would be a compatibility
> problem. I suppose your particular unit could have something wrong with
> it, but that would be easy to figure out.
> Are all the little green lights on? If not, something needs to be checked.

***** All 5 lights are green. No red alarm lights!!

> Does it pass its own self-test? Watch all the blinky lights when you power
> it up.

****** It passes the self test.

> Have you asked US West to do a remote loopback to your CSU/DSU? That's
> easy to do, you just chat up US West's office at 800-227-2218 and push a
> few buttons on your CSU/DSU, following the instructions in your user
> manual. That should tell you if your frame relay line is healthy.
> >Funny thing is every time THEY swap out a board or change something, the
> >circuit starts working again.
> >
> >It is back up again, but I'd like to test it before I place it back in
> >service. (We have another Point to Point circuit, we can use until this
> >line is stable). They have ran their tests and claim is it
> >operational. Is there a command or program that I can use to send
> >packets back and forth between the router on their end and the IRX211 on
> >my end.
> When you say "the router on their end" I guess you mean US West's frame
> relay packet router? THere is no way you can initiate such a test. But
> you can have them do the loopback that I mentioned above.

***** Sorry for not clarifying this. The router I'm referring to is my
router, an IRX 211

> I can't recall which release is which, but one of the OR-HS software
> releases had some bug that kept LMI from being handled properly. You
> didn't say what version your software is, but you might wish to post that
> information so Livingston tech support can tell you if you need a new
> version to fix that problem.

******* The version of the OR-HS is 3.4.2L

> There's an instruction given in the Livingston software manual (set debug
> something or another) that permits a display on your console of the LMI
> information. You could use that to check for presence of the LMI packets.
> There are so many things to get wrong. If you didn't have LMI turned on in
> the router, then obviously LMI won't work. Are you counting on LMI to
> permit setting up your routing? Frankly I prefer setting up my own DLCI
> list by hand and setting up static routes for the DLCIs.
> Best of luck. Post your software version number.
> ---
> Carl Oppedahl, Oppedahl & Larson, patent law firm
> has hundreds of pages of answers to
> frequently asked questions on patent, copyright, and trademark law