Re: Filters

Leonard (
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 11:28:52 -0700 (PDT)

I may be wrong on this one. It's based on what I've experienced so far.
If I'm wrong, I'm sure a higher power will correct me :)

If you're setting the filter via radius (Filter-Id = "email"), depending
on your ComOS version, it will try to set outgoing filter email.out and
incoming filter I assume you set the following as
Also depending on your ComOS version, if you don't have a filter called
email.out, it will assume a null filter (filter with no rules) --> thus
everything going out on that port will block. So you might wanna try:
add filter email.out; set filter email.out permit

On Tue, 22 Jul 1997, Scott Portmaster List wrote:

> I dunno if this is the place to ask about setting up an filter,
> but here goes. I have made a filter called email with pmconsole:
> permit udp dst eq domain
> permit tcp dst eq smtp
> permit tcp dst eq pop3
> permit tcp dst eq auth
> permit icmp
> According to the portmaster book it says anything not in the filter is
> denied, and i have added the filter-id="email" to the user in question.
> What we are trying to do is set up a filter for just email only, so
> connections to port 25,110 with auth as well as dns, However every time i
> connect up it either blocks everything, or lets everything go through.
> After reading the book, it looks easier than setting up router
> access_lists, but it don't work :(, if anyone could help, i would appr.
> it, thanks.
> Scott "Which way do i go?" Traynor