Re: Troubles connecting to PM2's

NezSez (
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 23:25:16 -0500

I assume you only wanted tcp/ip services so try this:

Even with the other protocols removed, you need to remove some annoying
win95 defaults. Control Panel....Network...dail-up adapt.....advanced
click on "use IPX header compression" and with it highlighted set the
on the right to "NO" ( defaults to "Yes"). Make sure the bindings tab has
a check by tcpip.

My Computer...Dail up for the connection to
server type button.....make sure you remove the check by "logon to network"
under "Advanced options". Also make sure tcpip is the only checked network
protocol at the bottom of that same page.

Let me know if this helped.

Internet Global Services Inc.

> From: Carl Delabar <>
> To:
> Subject: Troubles connecting to PM2's
> Date: Saturday, July 22, 1995 5:33 PM
> We continue to see many "unable to establish network protocols..." You
> the standard blurb from Win 95 users. Even the Win 31 folks have some
> troubles from time to time.