Troubles connecting to PM2's

Carl Delabar (
Sat, 22 Jul 1995 22:33:34

Hey folks,

We have exhuasted our limited expertise. We are have way way too many
connection problems. Here is a breif scenerio:

1 PM2eR30
2 PM2e30's
70 USR Sportsters
Universal Radius
A single class C
Using PAP
Com OS 3.3.1

We continue to see many "unable to establish network protocols..." You know
the standard blurb from Win 95 users. Even the Win 31 folks have some
troubles from time to time.

We double checked the ether0 port to ensure IPX protocol was off on each
box. We instructed our users to remove the client for Netware, Netbuei &
IPX protocols items so that the only remaining items in the network section
were Client for MS, Dial up Adapter & TCP/IP protocol. This seemed to help
for a while but.... This problem has florished the past two months.

We are within days of switching to an IRX114 w/16mb from the 2eR. As well
as trying to resrtucture our IP address that are assigned and add more
class C's to the route table.

ANY and I mean ANY Ideas/help or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Carl Delabar

"Banging head against wall with steady rhytm. It will feel better when the
wall gives up!"