Re: Troubles connecting to PM2's

Richard Hodges (
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 20:33:05 -0700 (PDT)

On Sat, 22 Jul 1995, Carl Delabar wrote:

> We have exhuasted our limited expertise. We are have way way too many
> connection problems. Here is a breif scenerio:

> We continue to see many "unable to establish network protocols..." You know
> the standard blurb from Win 95 users. Even the Win 31 folks have some
> troubles from time to time.
> We double checked the ether0 port to ensure IPX protocol was off on each
> box. We instructed our users to remove the client for Netware, Netbuei &
> IPX protocols items so that the only remaining items in the network section
> were Client for MS, Dial up Adapter & TCP/IP protocol. This seemed to help
> for a while but.... This problem has florished the past two months.

Do you offer file services for your customers? If not, why do you
have the client installed? If you do, maybe they need to put the
address of your WINS server in the \windows\lmhosts file. And put
the address in the TCP/IP WINS Configuration setting ("enabled").

Also, if you don't need the client, uncheck it from the TCP/IP bindings.
And disable WINS resolution if you don't have a WINS server. In my
experience, "use DHCP" will poison the connections.

Of course, it is always good to make sure you do not have
duplicate Winsock .dll files left from AOL or Compuserve...

All the best,


Richard Hodges | (702) 888-3000
Alpine Internet | 400 Fairview Drive | Carson City, NV 89701
member, ISP/C