Re: Troubles connecting to PM2's

James Shelburne (
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 22:38:19 -0500 (CDT)

On Sat, 22 Jul 1995, Carl Delabar wrote:

> We continue to see many "unable to establish network protocols..." You know
> the standard blurb from Win 95 users. Even the Win 31 folks have some
> troubles from time to time.

I've had trouble with this myself from time to time. I generally have two

1. Have the user change their port's baudrate in their modem
configuration. I'll get a lot of error messages like this from people who
have their speeds set to 115,000 or whatever.

2. Reboot the portmaster. Once when I was running ComOS 3.3.3 I fiddled
with the PAP/CHAP settings (changing them back of course), however I got a
rash of "UNCSNP" errors. It was fixed when I rebooted.

This may not help much in your case (I assume you've already rebooted and
least once :} ). You might upgrade to a newer version of ComOS, I'm
running 3.5 now without any problems at all. You might also tweak the
port speeds on the portmaster, I haven't done this scientifically myself
but it might be worth a shot.

Expressway Internet Services