Re: 3com Impact IQ ISDN and PM3

Michael Brennen (
Thu, 3 Jul 1997 13:19:15 -0500 (CDT)

Interesting. I just got off the phone after about an hour with a client
having trouble connecting with a 3com Impact on a Win95 machine. No one
else is having trouble connecting, ISDN or otherwise. Any known problems
with the 3com Impact??? Firmware/driver issues?

I'm on a PM3 with 3.5c6.

-- Michael

On Thu, 3 Jul 1997, Don Lewis wrote:

> Bellsouth had been pushing Bitsurfer Pro's and our users have connected
> to our pm3 with Bitsurfer right out of the box using win95 dialup
> networking. Now Bellsouth in our area seems to be pushing the Impact IQ from
> what my new users say and so far no new isdn user can connect to my pm3
> with the impact. Since I don't have one to test does anyone have the
> set-up needed to connect at 64kb using pap with win95 and login
> prompting with trumpet?