Re: pm2e (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 17:19:34 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Stavros Patiniotis shaped the electrons to say...
>I do, but nothing was recorded. (what command should I type to the pm to
>send info about crashing?)

Pre-3.5 set a syslog host.

3.5 and up, configure it to syslog *everything*.

>It seems to only lock up after a while with modems plugged in. No modems
>in, the no lock up.

That sounds like a spurious interrupts problem:

<!-- Distribution:World Status:Verified Author:megazone -->
Releases prior to 3.3:

Spurious interrupt means that CTS and/or DCD startled toggling (low to
high over and over) more than 10,000 times in a one second window.
Either one or both of those signals toggling like this will cause a
Spurious Interrupt.

Release 3.3 and up:

Serial port spurious interrupt handling has been extended to include
detecting streams of framing errors. Some modems get confused about
their configuration and begin sending continuous data to the
PortMaster at a baud rate different than set on the PortMaster. This
would cause all operation on the PortMaster to appear stopped for
several minutes to several hours. The PortMaster now attempts to
reset the modem and will continue to operate properly even if the
modem does not recover.


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