Re: PM3 and V.FAST (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 17:25:48 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Derek Balling shaped the electrons to say...
>I was always under the impression that "v.Fast" was "v.34" and "v.FC" or
>"v.Fast Class" was the pseudo-standard that had propogated itself prior to
>v.34 ratification...

Nope. V.FAST and V.FC (aka V.Fast-Class) were *competing* systems for 28.8
that were both superceded by the V.34 spec.

V.FAST came first, and V.FAST-CLASS followed to compete - being in the same
class. I believe there was some sabre rattling about the name and it became


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