pm2e (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 05:16:20 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Stavros Patiniotis shaped the electrons to say...
>My portmaster, just locked up. The Green light just stopped
>flashing. It was un-pingable or un-telnetable!
>The red ethernet light was flashing ok though, so it was seeing the
>network ok.
>A reboot fixed it, (the box was only up for 3 days, un-used mind you,
>apart from a telnet session every 5 minutes doing a sh ses)
>Whats my situation, what should I do.

Unless you had syslog running and it got something, or any kind of debug
data, it will forever be a mystery.

When something like that happens, if possible try going in via a serial
port to see if you can find anything.


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