Re: Radius Framed-Route question (fwd)

Dale E. Reed Jr. (
Sun, 27 Apr 1997 16:00:38 -0700 ()

> Hmmm, that's unfortunate... because we have found implementations out
> there (such as some version of Windows/NT) that get very confused if
> you do not assign a /30 subnet to the actual link, when you are using
> the implementation as a router. Do you have sample configurations
> available for, say, Windows/NT, when you are routing through the NT
> machine to a LAN?
> I would wonder why the standard does not allow you to specify
> something so basic. I can certainly manually configure ports on
> Livingston equipment to have a /30 subnet on the PPP link; I do that
> all the time on IRXen.

What problems are you having? I have helped a lot of people
route subnets via an NT box and haven't ran into any problems.
Its actually very easy on the PM side to configure, and typically
its a boreder routing problem, not a routing problem on the PM
