Re: Radius Framed-Route question (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 15:20:43 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Bruce Robertson shaped the electrons to say...
>you do not assign a /30 subnet to the actual link, when you are using
>the implementation as a router. Do you have sample configurations
>available for, say, Windows/NT, when you are routing through the NT
>machine to a LAN?

I have never heard of this problem with NT. All of the dialin routing
setups I've seen with it have been happy to accept the PortMaster's IP
as the other end of the link.

>I would wonder why the standard does not allow you to specify
>something so basic. I can certainly manually configure ports on

Because RADIUS is for dialin and dialout use and this is not a common
need for that use. Remote Authenticatin Dial-In User Service

Any client used for dialin connections should be able to cope with the
IP on the other end - if not, I'd call that a bug in the client.


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