Re: What do the db levels Mean(T1 questions)

Kelley Lingerfelt (
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 18:36:55 -0400 (EDT)

Well this discussion has been getting quite a bit of expertise lately, I
have a question that is a little bit off the track, but since I will be
using a Livingston OR on one end, I guess I can put it forth.

Could I simulate a T1 in house, I have 2 Adtran TSUs, Livingston Office
Router and a PM2ER. Could I hook them up directly(the Adtrans) and emulate
a T1. The reason I ask, is we are helping a customer set up a Point to
Point T1 and it will be a couple of weeks before they can get their T1
installed. It would be nice to get all the equipment set up, routing and
all that in house.

Is this possible or am I way off base here? Sorry for the stupid question,
but I saw a similar thread on the isp-list, but I never did quiet figure
this out, the thread got off on the pairgain talk, etc.. and the volume of
that list is just mind boggling.
