Re: Radius Framed-Route question (fwd)

Bruce Robertson (
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 23:29:07 -0700

>>>>> "MegaZone" == MegaZone <> writes:

MegaZone> RADIUS does not allow you to specify the near end of the
MegaZone> link - that IP is the IP of the NAS. Ascend did this
MegaZone> with a vendor specific attribute (as you show) that is
MegaZone> not part of the standard and that we do not support (and
MegaZone> have no plans to support).

Hmmm, that's unfortunate... because we have found implementations out
there (such as some version of Windows/NT) that get very confused if
you do not assign a /30 subnet to the actual link, when you are using
the implementation as a router. Do you have sample configurations
available for, say, Windows/NT, when you are routing through the NT
machine to a LAN?

I would wonder why the standard does not allow you to specify
something so basic. I can certainly manually configure ports on
Livingston equipment to have a /30 subnet on the PPP link; I do that
all the time on IRXen.

Bruce Robertson, President/CEO
Great Basin Internet Services, Inc.
+1-702-348-7299  fax: +1-702-348-9412