Re: PM3 slower than PM2 (fwd)

Michael R. Wayne (
Fri, 25 Apr 97 00:45:49 -0400

+ >one and I still got ping times under 150ms... I heard some horrible ping
+ >numbers form PM3 users on this list...
+ People have posted lower ping times than that several times - so I doubt
+ it is the PM, or no one would be faster.

What are you doing to slow the lines down to 150ms?

We expect about 120ms in our "typical path" from user to server:

Win95 - 33.6Kmodem - USR MP16 or TC
router - 33% loaded T1 - router
| |
PM3 server

My users will put up with 130. They complain past 140. It's worse
than I thought, the PM3 is at 170!

It doesn't really matter whether >I< think ping is a reasonable
benchmark, my users will quit if the ping times are long. We have a
PM3 announced in "test" mode right now, almost all the mail from our
testers reads like:
Hey, I got a 33.6 connect on the new number but the ping times suck.
What's wrong with these lines?
I'll go back to the analog lines, thanks.
typically including a few hundred lines of ping results reflecting the
problems they see.

/\/\ \/\/