PM3 slower than PM2 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 18:15:08 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time shaped the electrons to say...
>Many users are refusing to move, complaining about dismal ping times on

You can always shut down the TC.

>the PM3. I checked the times myself and can verify that there can be as
>much as a 30ms delay for a connection going through a PM3.
>Yuck. I don't blame them for not wanting to move.

Bad data. This was covered, in detail, here in the past. It boils down
to compression, ping data being the WORST test you could run, and the fact
that with real world data there is next to no difference.

And with the modem code in beta now, there isn't any - except when the PM-3
is faster.

The V.42bis dictionary is 1/4 the size of say USR in the current code - on
highly compressable data - like ping packets - this makes a big difference.
On real world data (like the web) it doesn't. Users tested this and showed
that with compression out of the picture ping times are comparable.


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