Re: PM3 slower than PM2 (fwd)

Michael R. Wayne (
Thu, 24 Apr 97 21:27:32 -0400

+ Once upon a time shaped the electrons to say...
+ >Many users are refusing to move, complaining about dismal ping times on
+ You can always shut down the TC.
+ >the PM3. I checked the times myself and can verify that there can be as
+ >much as a 30ms delay for a connection going through a PM3.
+ >
+ >Yuck. I don't blame them for not wanting to move.
+ Bad data. This was covered, in detail, here in the past. It boils down
+ to compression, ping data being the WORST test you could run, and the fact
+ that with real world data there is next to no difference.

Shutting off the USR and PM2 which is keeping customers happy is NOT a
reasonable response to paying customers!

The users are playing games on our Kali game server. They are seeing a
significant change in play performance when running on the PM3. So we
have almost no one on the PM3s and full PM2s.

+ And with the modem code in beta now, there isn't any - except when the PM-3
+ is faster.

When can I get it? When will it be out of Beta?

+ The V.42bis dictionary is 1/4 the size of say USR in the current code - on
+ highly compressable data - like ping packets - this makes a big difference.
+ On real world data (like the web) it doesn't. Users tested this and showed
+ that with compression out of the picture ping times are comparable.

The gamers see a difference. I guess these packets are highly compressable
as well, causing the problem.

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