Re: PM3 slower than PM2 (fwd)
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 00:55:06 -0500

Michael R. Wayne wrote:
> The users are playing games on our Kali game server. They are seeing a
> significant change in play performance when running on the PM3. So we
> have almost no one on the PM3s and full PM2s.
> The gamers see a difference. I guess these packets are highly compressable
> as well, causing the problem.

We've had gamers complain too. They say "well, I'm getting a much higher ping
time" to which I ask them to explain how latency (especially when analog
modems are at stake) physically affects their game play. The usual response is
"what is latency?" and "well, the ping times are higher". Compressable or not
there's a false religion at play there which relies to heavily on attribution
of ping times to speed. If this were totally the case frame relay and SMDS
would be unusable.


> /\/\ \/\/