Radius Framed-Route question

Bruce Robertson (bruce@greatbasin.com)
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 23:03:08 -0700

Does the /xx syntax for specifying a subnet on a route work with the
newer ComOS? In other words, can I do this, like I can with Ascend

Framed-Route = " 1"

While I'm at it, how can I specify the address for both ends of PPP
connection when I'm using a subnet? For example, I want to do the
equivalent of this:

Framed-Address =,
Framed-Netmask =,
Ascend-PPP-Address =,

These questions came up during the process of dumping Ascend and
switching to PM3s.

Bruce Robertson, President/CEO
Great Basin Internet Services, Inc.
+1-702-348-7299  fax: +1-702-348-9412