Re: Ascend MAX4048 and MAX4060, What do they cost? (fwd)

Kevin Smith (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 10:18:02 -0700

At 05:45 AM 4/23/97 -0700, MegaZone wrote:
>Once upon a time Matthew S. Crocker shaped the electrons to say...
>>I don't know about anybody else on this list but I find it very annoying
>>and in very bad taste for an ascend employee to push Ascend products on
>>the Livingston list. If I wanted info I would join the Ascend list (which
>Kevin is here by my direct invitation.

Correct. I didn't even know this list existed (though I suspected it did)
until MZ invited me to subscribe...

>I am also on the Ascend list. keep us all honest :)

>Checks and balances. I think it is a very good thing to make sure we
>don't give out bad data on other products. There are other vendors on
>this list, but most choose not to post publically. *shrug* Don't know
>why not.

Agreed. A quick look at the list of subscribers will tell you that both
lists have *numerous* competitors on the list....very few ever join in
as MZ and I do.

>I don't consider anything Kevin has done 'pushing' Ascend products - he
>has presented answers to questions comparing the products, and corrected
>bad info. Same thing I do on the Ascend list.

Thanks. I hope you'll prod me if I ever do stray....

>It isn't like he is posting their press releases and pricing announcements

...heck I get flamed for doing _that_ on our own list :)

>I rather enjoy and appreciate his participation.


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