Re: 56K modem upgrade

Pete Kruckenberg (
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 21:41:59 -0600 (MDT)

On Tue, 22 Apr 1997, Marty Likier wrote:

> Recently I have fielded many inquires from PM3 owners who want to swap
> their 8-modem cards for 10-modem cards during the 56K modem upgrade
> process. Well I've got some good news. Livingston will allow all web 56K
> registered customers to make the modem swap. As an example, if you already
> own 6 x 8-modem cards (48 modems), you can exchange them for 4 x 10-modems
> and 1 x 8-modem cards (48 modems) during the exchange process.

I assume this is "exchange plus price difference"? Otherwise, I've got
about 7 10-modem cards I'd like to exchange for 8-modem cards and a refund
on the price difference.