56K modem upgrade

Marty Likier (marty@livingston.com)
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 13:14:09 -0700

Hey All--
Recently I have fielded many inquires from PM3 owners who want to swap
their 8-modem cards for 10-modem cards during the 56K modem upgrade
process. Well I've got some good news. Livingston will allow all web 56K
registered customers to make the modem swap. As an example, if you already
own 6 x 8-modem cards (48 modems), you can exchange them for 4 x 10-modems
and 1 x 8-modem cards (48 modems) during the exchange process.

** Please ** do not send me emails with your upgrade requests now.
Livingston will send an email (to all web 56K registered PM3 owners)
sometime in the latter part of May requesting how many modems and in which
configuration you require. ;-)

Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.