Re: 56K modem upgrade

Marty Likier (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 07:52:17 -0700

At 09:41 PM 4/22/97 -0600, Pete Kruckenberg wrote:
>On Tue, 22 Apr 1997, Marty Likier wrote:
>> Recently I have fielded many inquires from PM3 owners who want to swap
>> their 8-modem cards for 10-modem cards during the 56K modem upgrade
>> process. Well I've got some good news. Livingston will allow all web 56K
>> registered customers to make the modem swap. As an example, if you already
>> own 6 x 8-modem cards (48 modems), you can exchange them for 4 x 10-modems
>> and 1 x 8-modem cards (48 modems) during the exchange process.
>I assume this is "exchange plus price difference"? Otherwise, I've got
>about 7 10-modem cards I'd like to exchange for 8-modem cards and a refund
>on the price difference.

No it was not meant to be a revenue generating exercise. It was designed
with customer flexibility in mind, so anyone with 48 (6x8) modems - using 6
slots, could free up one slot by going with a 48 (4x10 + 1x8) modem
combination. BTW, we are requiring an equal number for the modem swap, ie,
48 for 48. (Not 70 for 72, or 70 for 64.)

Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.