Re: Ascend MAX4048 and MAX4060, What do they cost? (fwd)

Joe Sasek (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 07:41:15 -0700

At 06:50 AM 4/23/97 -0700, MegaZone wrote:
>Once upon a time David Davies shaped the electrons to say...
>>He MZ do you guys call the members of the Ascend list ?

The internet is wonderful from this perspective! All we have to do is put
out the facts and the truth ultimately gets out! We knew the MaxUP was a
"scam" and in fact asked many ISP's "why" they would go for it? We also
made the "true digital" modem argument to no avail relative the the DM12's
being RAM or ROM based and were actually accused of "negative marketing" by
some so we shut up. Ascend has now alienated thier customer base with this
56K "upgrade" plan which costs more for someone to upgrade a unit purchased
before Nov.1 1996 than it costs for a brand new PM3! Anyone who bought
since Nov 1. gets the priveledge of paying another $12K on top of what they
already paid. As I say all of the time, our customers are smart enough to
not be burned! Rule #1 at Livingston is" "existing customers come before
new customers"!




>Not as far as I know. Once in a while I'll email someone with a pointer >to our stuff if they seem completely frustrated. But then, I've also sent >pointers to other vendors too. I don't do it that much, usually when somene >says something like "Why can't someone just build a box that does X?!" >And we do - so I'll let them know. > >As far as actively marketing to the folks from the other vendors' lists - >not to my knowledge, and if it was to my knowledge you'd probably have >heard the screaming. I don't approve of those tactics. > >-MZ >-- >Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs >Phone: 800-458-9966 510-737-2100 FAX: 510-737-2110 >For support requests: <> >Snail mail: 4464 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588 > > > ___________________________________________________________ Livingston Enterprises 4464 Willow Road Joe Sasek Pleasanton, CA 94588-8519 V.P of Sales & Marketing (510)737-2100 (Voice) (510) 737-2110 (Fax) Email ___________________________________________________________