Re: PM3 and BGP

Jeffrey J. Mountin (
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 01:18:03 -0500

At 03:04 PM 4/21/97 -0600, Stephen Fisher wrote:
>On Mon, 21 Apr 1997, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
>> So most/all of the significant differences are in the software (aren't
>> they always.) Now Cisco's IOS is full of features, but usually that is


>> And thus I'm very suprissed to read here that an IRX has performance
>> problems with 2 T1's.
>I've heard similar things about Cisco 2501s.

Really? I had a problem with moderate traffic on an IRX-114, which is why
I switched to a 2501 and it handles it. Still I need a bigger router, as I
don't plan to try BGP on a 2501. Besides it won't take the ATM card I'll
be needing in the next few months.

>> My objective currently is to merge external routing to BGP and get an
>> AS. And since I'm not in default favour of supporting the biggest and
>> largest suppliers, we try to be carefull by going to people like Cisco
>> (or Microsoft). In this functionality is the most important, price the
>> second one.

Ah.. Willem, not sure if you can still get an ASN, but I will say that it
is a bit of a hassle. Expect to pass many messages.

Just hope I can push for a /19 (gotta love sprint) in a couple months.

>I use what works best for me. I don't base my purchases on not liking
>to support a large company. They usually get large because they have the
>best products anyway.

No wonder why Livinston is growing. ;-)

And they don't have to advertise like others do.

Jeff Mountin - System/Network Administrator

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