PM3 and BGP

Willem Jan Withagen (
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 01:03:49 +0200 (MET DST)

MeaZone answers:
=> Once upon a time Jon Lewis shaped the electrons to say...
=> >about to support BGP, how capable a multihoming router would a PM3-2T be?
=> No sweat. It'll handle it fine.

=> In fact, multihoming is something that was considered from the start in
=> our BGP design.

But what about memory?
People keep telling me that I'll need 32 Mb for BGP, and likely 64Mb in the
not to far future.

I haven't lifted the hood of our PM3, since we installed it right from the
box. So can I squeeze 64Mb into a PM3? I'm shure an IRX does'nt take it.
A PM3 might take 4 16Mb/72pins simms?

I already have a price quote on a Cisco 4700 with 32/64 Mb, but I'd prefer
a Livingstone product. Even if it was only for the price.
