Re: PM3 and BGP

Kevin W. Brown (
Sun, 20 Apr 1997 19:34:27 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 21 Apr 1997, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:

> MeaZone answers:
> => Once upon a time Jon Lewis shaped the electrons to say...
> => >about to support BGP, how capable a multihoming router would a PM3-2T be?
> =>
> => No sweat. It'll handle it fine.
> => In fact, multihoming is something that was considered from the start in
> => our BGP design.
> But what about memory?
> People keep telling me that I'll need 32 Mb for BGP, and likely 64Mb in the
> not to far future.

>From what I've heard, the Livingston BGP code only needs 4.5M for a single
view and 2.5M for each additional view. You'll be able to get a few views
in 16M without any problem.

Kevin W. Brown | 4080 Water Tank Rd. | E-Mail:
Quantum Internet Services | Manchester, MD 21102 | Voice: 410-239-6920