PM3 and BGP (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sun, 20 Apr 1997 18:10:41 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Willem Jan Withagen shaped the electrons to say...
>But what about memory?
>People keep telling me that I'll need 32 Mb for BGP, and likely 64Mb in the
>not to far future.

That may be true for Cisco, it is NOT true in the least for us.

You can happily run *four* full feeds in *SIXTEEN* MB on Livingston boxes.

Actually, you need 16MB since one full feed is just over 5MB and our
incriments are 1, 4, 16 (and 32 on the PM-3).

>box. So can I squeeze 64Mb into a PM3? I'm shure an IRX does'nt take it.
>A PM3 might take 4 16Mb/72pins simms?

A PM-3 has ONE 72 pin slot - and that is all it needs. A single 16MB chip
is more than enough for multiple feeds, and a 32MB chip would be overkill.


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