Re: Advice on monitoring PM activity

Sherwood Pekelo (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 06:29:54 -1000 (HST)

On Thu, 17 Apr 1997, jtt wrote:

> I'm looking for ways to monitor portmaster activity. Realizing that
> this can probably be accomplished through a variety of means, I thought
> that I'd throw this out there to see what people have found most
> effective. What I'm looking for is how we can take snapshots of
> actvitiy (activity on serial ports, ethernet ports, WAN ports [on
> PM3's], modem disconnection problems, monitoring call loads.....and
> anything else you'vr found useful) ....also looking for ways to monitor
> the "history" or on-going activity (in numerical/graphical form). Any
> and all advice you can give me on grabbing activity info from PM2's and
> PM3's would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

one word describes the majority ... pmmon ...



I've used the 1.2 version for ages and loved it... 2.07 (? might be a new
revision by now) has MANY added features...

