Re: Cloning?

Damien T. (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 09:26:35 -0700 (PDT)

At 06:57 AM 4/17/97 -0400, wrote:
>On Thu, 17 Apr 1997, Ing. Felipe Tribaldos wrote:
>>Can be used to to clone 30 phones at a time. :-)
>I don't think an ILLEGAL "how-to" is at all appropriate for this list,
>even if it appears to be portmaster related.

Hmmm. And I thought this was in the relase notes. Nothing illegal in the
how-to (at least not in the United States) unless Felipe is encouraging you
to use the information to steal service, which it does not appear he is
doing. Nothing criminal in the act itself of programming ESNs, as is easily
demonstrated by the multitude of companies who will program "extension"
phones from your primary cellular service for emergency/backup use and the
folks who sell programming equipment..<g>!