Re: WTB: 5BRi Cards

Stephen Fisher (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 13:16:29 -0600 (MDT)

I assume all of you with 5BRI card problems have opened up support tickets
with Livingston phone support? What is the outcome of that? Did they say
anything about fixing it? Do they know it is such a wide-spread problem?
Just curious.

On Thu, 17 Apr 1997, Jeff Haas wrote:

> Harry Dijkstra of CyberComm was heard to say:
> > > > Well, about every day's all the bri's on the livingston are death. We now
> > > > have the problem on 4 systems.
> > >
> > > Are these european BRI's? And I am assuming English is not your first
> > > language? Every how many days?
> >
> > Well, yeah. I'm from Holland. Yes, they are european BRI's
> > Sometimes it's every day, sometimes it's once every 3 or 4 days.
> I've spent too much time debugging this type of problem.
> In our case, it was due to what our telco (Ameritech) is calling
> "routine exercise" on the line. At some regular period of time, they
> will remove the BRI from service, do some quick tests, and put it back
> into service. They *generally* don't do this if there is a call on the
> line.