Re: PMConsole equivalent for Cisco??

Stephen Fisher (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 13:27:50 -0600 (MDT)

Me too. I personally worship the IOS interface :)

I like how you can type "?" and get a list of commands, then start typing
a command and be able to hit tab to complete it or it beeps if it isn't
specific enough, be able to type show ? and it will list all sub-commands
under the show command, etc.. Not to mention the command line editing,
using arrow keys to move up and down through history, multiple levels of

ComOS drives me nuts.

The latest 2500 series routers are shipping with 8meg of flash and 2meg of
ram instead of 4meg of flash and 1meg of ram now that they run IOS 11.2.
Since IOS is so well done (IMHO) I have no problem with this "bloating"
and don't mind having the extra ram.

On Thu, 17 Apr 1997, Achim Patzner wrote:

> It's not that off-topic. I'd like Livingston to do some work on their
> CLI as well as I hate stuff that costs more resources and/or bandwidth
> than it has to - and PMConsole is one of them.