Re: Missing accounting records with MPPP.
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 00:38:08 +0200 (MET DST) (Kyle Platts) writes:

>>We're talking *SERVICE* here. Probably just as important for a =
>as their technical excellence.

>See above. There is a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes =
>that you never see or hear about to make things happen. In =
>Minneapolis here, there simply are no more slots to put PRI cards =
>into. They are spending millions on putting in a brand new switch.

I call that poor planning. Something telco's are also very good at.
Let's not spend the money until it's REALLY REALLY needed.
They suck you dry, and dont give back. At least in Europe.
Do you know the Dutch PTT makes about the same off our dialup users
that we do? You'd expect them to at least give you some service.

I happen to know the telco in Holland, since we get about 20 PRIs from them.
Before we went to fiber for the PRIs, the telco was unable to install
a single line (pri, clear, whatever..) without problems.
Even regular phonelines had problems in almost every install. Problems
that have nothing to do with bottlenecks. Im talking mistakes in
switches and wiring.

It's good that they're getting some competition. Im already noticing
improved service :)
