Radius 2.0 receives 0sec duration from TC

Andy Yu-Hun Liao (aliao@aicom.com)
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 04:06:09 -0700

Hi.. everyone,

Just want to know if anyone have this happening to them...

I had tried this with two version of Radius, one is original Livingston
Radius 2.0 and the other is Christian's patched Radius 2.07.. all running
on Solaris 2.5.1

The TC's firmware we have is 3.1.7, which is actually very OLD... the
reason we didn't switch is that newer version doesn't support radius 2.0...
so they said from USR tech support.

when i was testing Christian's patched radius.. i found that several
sessions' duration are all 0sec...!!?? therefore.. i did more test.. and
later i found out that IF i reset the port.. the TC will return 0sec to the
Radius.. if the user hangs up normally.. then the duration will be reported
back normally.. alone with all the currect # of byte transfer in and out..

I am wondering if this is a old bug in TC that everyone already know..?? if
it is.. which version is safe for me to upgrade to..??

Thanx in advance..
Andy Yu-Hun Liao
Internet Team, System Admin

AICOM Internet Services Corp. (http://www.aicom.com),
a division of AIC Asia International Services Corp.
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