Re: what does this look like?

John Storms ((no email))
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 09:35:34 -0700 (PDT)

> Hello,
> Could someone please decifer the info below:
> LIV-IDT> sho mem
The show memory command refers to DRAM (thinking room) available to the PortMaster. It does not refer to NVRAM (storage room) where configuration and ComOS are stored.

> System memory 16777216 bytes - 4469700 used, 12307516 available
| | \ amount of unused memory
| \ amount of memory used
\ total memory

> 176:1 112:2 2832:2 2048:3 1152:1 64:1 160:18 640:2 80:15 96:1 128:0 272:7 144:22
> 16:128 208:1 32:21
> System nbufs 1400 - 53 used, 1347 available
| | \ remaining network buffers
| \ number of used network buffers
\ total network buffers

"nbufs" stands for network buffers and refers to buffers used to hold data coming from other hosts over network connections.
