Re: what does this look like?

Stephen Fisher (
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 15:04:59 -0600 (MDT)

On Wed, 16 Apr 1997, Rick Osteen wrote:

> LIV-IDT> sho mem
> System memory 16777216 bytes - 4469700 used, 12307516 available

The system has a total of 16,777,216 bytes (16Mb) and 4,469,700 (4.4Mb) is
used and 12,307,516 (12.3Mb) is free.

> 176:1 112:2 2832:2 2048:3 1152:1 64:1 160:18 640:2 80:15 96:1 128:0 272:7 144:22
> 16:128 208:1 32:21

The memory has 1 176byte block that is "segmented" (fragmented?) from the
rest, 2 112 byte blocks, 2 2832 byte blocks, 3 2048 byte blocks, and so

> System nbufs 1400 - 53 used, 1347 available

There is a total of 1400 network buffers, and 53 of them are currently in
use, leaving 1347.

Hope this helps some..

- Steve