Re: Missing accounting records with MPPP.

Kyle Platts (
Wed, 16 Apr 97 11:11:38 -0500

>So, if I sell you a car, and you have to wait for it for months, =
don't have any reason to complain because you don't know anything
about the car-industry?

This is like saying, "yeah, those dumbf*cks in Detroit don't know =
how to do anything right", but you don't know that there is a =
shortage of X part or whatever that is causing your delay. =
Basically, what you've done is slam a company for not getting the =
circuit in on time, but yet you don't know what the reason for the =
delay is! Are they having problems findinf qualified pairs? do =
they have ports in the switch? do they need new cards for the =

>We're talking *SERVICE* here. Probably just as important for a =
as their technical excellence.

See above. There is a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes =
that you never see or hear about to make things happen. In =
Minneapolis here, there simply are no more slots to put PRI cards =
into. They are spending millions on putting in a brand new switch.

>Just be (very) happy you don't have to deal with the Dutch PTT.

I'll take your word for it.

>And it still doesn't solve my problem with the missing accounting =
which is what the original mail message was about.

I'm sorry, I can't answer that for you.=20

Kyle Platts
!NTERPRISE Networking Services=