Re: Missing accounting records with MPPP.

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 17:52:47 +0200

According to Kyle Platts:
> > Just out of curiosity, what is the rise time of the pulse on your
> > existing PRI?
> >I'm no expert on PRIs, I don't know.
> My point exactly. Thank you very much. :-)

So, if I sell you a car, and you have to wait for it for months, you
don't have any reason to complain because you don't know anything
about the car-industry?

We're talking *SERVICE* here. Probably just as important for a company
as their technical excellence.

Just be (very) happy you don't have to deal with the Dutch PTT.

And it still doesn't solve my problem with the missing accounting records,
which is what the original mail message was about.


   Miquel van      | Cistron Internet Services | I know one million ways,   |
   Smoorenburg,    | Internet voor de Randstad | to always pick the wrong   | | mail      | fantasy - the Black Crowes |