Re: Portmaster Problem Still.

Kyle Platts (
Sat, 5 Apr 97 12:30:58 -0600

Details :
After a set debug 0x51 I can watch the TelCo switch get farther =
farther behind the livingston in sequences. For example :
Livingston Sends Sequence 201
TelCo Responds Sequence 168! ( actual numbers )
Looking at W1 :
Abort Errors 40
crc errors 9

I reboot machine :
Livingston Sends Sequence 141
TelCo Responds Sequence 131
Looking at W1 :
Abort Errors 89
crc errors 17
frame errors 0/1

The sequence numbers are totally unrelated to each other. There is =
a sequence number in the router and a different sequence number in =
the switch. My IRX-112 I have in the lab is currently at 255 for =
the router and 134 from the switch.

Kyle Platts
!NTERPRISE Networking Services=