Portmaster Problem Still.

Thomas Arnold (tom@inna.net)
Sat, 5 Apr 1997 13:09:50 -0500 (EST)


I'm having a problem with a Livingston PM2ER. I'll be taking the issue up
again Monday with Livingston but figure I'll pass the info along and
maybe someone will have a workaround.

Livingston PM2ER10. ComOS 3.5f. 128k Frame Relay link.
Problem : Very Slow. Frame link will be very fast then degrade then be
very fast then maybe drop completely. It acts like its on crack.
Going back to ComOS 3.3.3 solves FrameRelay problem, but I can't use

Details :
After a set debug 0x51 I can watch the TelCo switch get farther and
farther behind the livingston in sequences. For example :
Livingston Sends Sequence 201
TelCo Responds Sequence 168! ( actual numbers )
Looking at W1 :
Abort Errors 40
crc errors 9

I reboot machine :
Livingston Sends Sequence 141
TelCo Responds Sequence 131
Looking at W1 :
Abort Errors 89
crc errors 17
frame errors 0/1

Phone co guy looking at Cascade switch can tell me exactly when things go
haywire. His switch starts reporting malformed packets coming from the
livingston, typically starting right when we recieve a DLCI update.

Again, dropping in ComOS 3.3.3 and problem goes away.

Now, why I cant use 3.3.3.

We have a machine plugged in locally to the box using bandwidth at site.
Its part of our contract FOR the site so I -HAVE- to keep it running at
all costs. Hence the reason I leave 3.5f running on the portmaster even
when performance is a joke.

The reason we switch to 3.5 was for VLSM.
We have a .252 subnet assigned to the interfaces on the Cisco and
Portmaster pair in question. We route a .224 subnet to the portmaster.

Is there any way to get the machine on the portmaster's local ethernet to
work using 3.3.3? Some routing trick? With 3.3.3 on, I can talk from the
machine to the portmaster right up until I connect the Wan Cable and then
I can't talk to it, we tried all the standard 'gotta try this even if the
big book says it wont work' stuff like static routing an IP to the ether
port. I can route another .252 subnet, hell, I can static route
everything but the kitchen sink there if it will help.

I will entertain any suggestions. In fact, I have one other idea... I
have a spare PM2E10. ANyone have a suggestion how I could use one PM2ER
to router and the other to serve dialups? I'm desperate on this one.

Many thinks. I will now go try to duck work and sleep as I've only gotten
about 3 hours... :-(

: Tom Arnold - No relation to Rosanne :
: SysAdmin/Pres - TBI, Ltd ( inna.net ) :
: The Middle Peninsula's Internet Connection :