Re: USR Lowers Pricing (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 17:47:35 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Jonah Yokubaitis shaped the electrons to say...
>oh really? You think that AMD cpu and 72pin ram and siemens
>controllers and analog devices DSPs are something special? Its the

HOW the components are laidout is more important than what the components
are. I could give someone a bag with all of the pieces, off the shelf,
and tell them to build a comm server with it. That doesn't mean you'd
get a PM.

>SOFTWARE that makes the PM3/PM2 special. I would bet that livingston
>could port ComOs to a RISC platform and make the current x86 platform

Actually the AMD chips we use *outspec* more expensive RISC chips. We
were considering RISC, but we discovered that for the same cost we can
get higher performace with the CISC chips we use.

>Its the SOFTWARE! (Did I say this before?)

The software is NOT everything. The software is only part of it. We
could probably port ComOS onto a competing product, but I doubt it would
perform as well because our HW design is a very important part of the

Software without good HW is meaning less, so is the reverse.


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