ISDN Pricing etc.

Cameron Christian (
Thu, 21 Nov 1996 14:31:32 -0700

So, I am about to start testing ISDN and I am trying to come up with a =
pricing plan, I have looked around the net a little and have seen =
everything from the sublime to the ridiculous. =20

I am wondering if everyone could give me some feedback on how you are =
pricing ISDN?

Is anyone having any problems billing for per B channel pricing models?

How does the 5 BRI card work in the PM2?

Is anyone running PRI with a PM 3 or ascend? How is that working?

Blah Blah Blah, Thanks in advance for any help or foreknowledge of =
disastrous situations.

Best Regards,

Cameron Christian
General Manager
RMC Internet Services