bang bang bang bang - lame lame lame lame

Jacob Suter (
Wed, 13 Nov 1996 11:16:14 -0600

So, while the telcos beat their heads into the wall trying to figure
out some way of getting their cooshie monopolies back, I was

Fiber, 100 megabit into homes, mbone, etc etc. Cable company sucks,
pots quality sucks, (power sucks but I don't want to put a nuclear
generator in - its kinda expensive).. What if I put fiber on the
poles, and dropped into people's homes at say, 100 megabit duplex
ethernet? Then microwave myself back to the real world to connect to
the net...

I have no idea what kind of bandwidth I'd be talking for say DSS
quality A/V by itself for one channel... It'd need to have a few
channels all broadcasting at once and I have no idea what kind of
bandwidth that is going to take..

"Yes, I'd like to watch that movie in 1024x768x16.8M.."


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