Re: bang bang bang bang - lame lame lame lame

Owen DeLong (
Wed, 13 Nov 1996 09:45:38 -0800

> So, while the telcos beat their heads into the wall trying to figure
> out some way of getting their cooshie monopolies back, I was
> thinking...
> Fiber, 100 megabit into homes, mbone, etc etc. Cable company sucks,
> pots quality sucks, (power sucks but I don't want to put a nuclear
> generator in - its kinda expensive).. What if I put fiber on the
> poles, and dropped into people's homes at say, 100 megabit duplex
> ethernet? Then microwave myself back to the real world to connect to
> the net...
How do you propose to acquire the right-of-way to stick the fiber up
there. Generally, the company that puts the poles up charges kind of
steep rent for space on them.

As to the microwave part, you'll probably come out looking like a burnt
bag of popcorn or something. :-)

> I have no idea what kind of bandwidth I'd be talking for say DSS
> quality A/V by itself for one channel... It'd need to have a few
> channels all broadcasting at once and I have no idea what kind of
> bandwidth that is going to take..
> "Yes, I'd like to watch that movie in 1024x768x16.8M.."
It's surprisingly less bandwidth than you may think. If I recall, a DSS
channel is around 3-4.5 Mbps. However, that's strictly downlink. Uplink
bandwidth costs major $$$

> JS
> ---
> Intrastellar Internet Service - Houston County, Texas
> Voice: (409) 687-9066