Re: Problems with PMConsole X and Windows (fwd)

Rudy Amid (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 02:33:57 -0500 (EST)

An excerpt from Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz message:
> Once upon a time Mike Weaver, Senior Systems Consultant shaped the electrons to say...
> >While using pmconsole to edit filters on an irx211 it truncates the rules
> >to 46 lines. Currently, I have about 65 or so rules. Both versions seem
> >to do it as well ( X and Windows). Any Ideas?
> This is a known problem is all versions of pmconsole. For filters that long
> they have to be done on the command line.
> But 65 rules? I don't think I've encounted a filter that large... What are
> you filtering?
> -MZ

I haven't used the front-end version of PMcommand before. Which one
would you suggest I use, PMConsole for Sparc or Windows?

Also, our site has over 40 rules. We're filtering everything while
making individual exceptions to particular hosts and ports for vital services.
This is the reason why I'm considering to use PMConsole but if there's
a problem with many rules, I'll continue to use pmcommand. Btw, if I have
that many rules, does it degrade the performance of the portmaster?

Rudy Amid (           //    alt:
Systems Administrator            \X/     URL:
Hummingbird Communications, Ltd.         #include <std.disclaimer>
1 Sparks Ave. Toronto, Canada. M2H 2W1   /* This message is only my opinion */