Re: Sporadic DNS resolution problem w/PM

Jon Lusky (
Wed, 29 Nov 1995 23:16:28 -0600 (CST)

Nathan Mercer writes:
> "me too" ;-)
> We have also noticed this, sometimes when doing a sh ses the users ip
> address shows, other times its their number. Currently we are only using
> static addresses.
> Sometimes netscape etc gives us problems when a user tries to go somewhere,
> a DNS error comes up, but after a few minutes of waiting, and a reload it
> goes away.

These two things are unrelated. In the first item, the portmaster apparently
does dns lookups for each ip in use each time you do a show ses. Rather than
blocking while it waits for the responses to the DNS queiries, it goes ahead
and shows the list with hostnames instead of IP for the ones whose queries
have returned quick enough.

The second could be many things... it could be problems with your nameservers
or your ethernet assuming the resolution you were attempting was already cached
by your nameservers, or could be a problem somewhere out on the net if the
info was not cached. However it is most like a problem with the user's PPP
connection. Call waiting, line noise, improperly configured modems, serial
port overruns (particularly under win3.1). some modems have more problems
than others dealing with line noise. With my users, the most common problem
is modem init string. Our installer package for win3.1 defaults to a modem
init string of at&f&c1&d2. That works great for Rockwell based modems and
several other generic modems. It doesn't work worth a flip for USR, Supra,
or Gateway Telepath II-V modems, though. All USR's made in the past two years
or so need at&f1. Supra's need at&f2. I have yet to figure out exactly
what Telepath II-V's need, but at&f1&k1&m4 is working well for my users so
far. On the Macintosh side of things, most of them have Global Village
modems. I go look up global village's reccomendation for flow-control and
init string on When global village says
to use hardware handshaking with ZTerm, that means CTS-Only for MacPPP.
For Supra's on Macs, AT&F1 and CTS-Only. For anything else on a Mac,
I find out how to disable flow control on that modem and set it to none
in MacPPP--not the ideal solution, but it works pretty well for me.

Jonathan R. Lusky       |   |
Edge Internet Services  |  (615) 726-8700